SHINE Belize

SHINE Girls Group
SHINE: stands for Shaping Healthy Identities for Nurturing and Empowerment. We work with social services, counselors, and teachers who hand select girls who have difficult home lives and lack a healthy self-esteem. SHINE combines curriculum with fun activities to boost self-esteem and encourage healthy decision-making. Building healthy self-esteem is a key to minimizing the risks of girls falling into difficult situations concerning their body. Lessons include: Maintaining a Healthy Self-Esteem, Developing Body Confidence, Understanding Risks of Drugs and Alcohol, Developing Healthy Relationships and Sexual Behaviors, Learning Good Decision Making and Communication Skills, and Nurturing Future Goals and Ambitions.

EST/HER Artisan Program
Our goal is to help Establish Her (the beautiful women in our program) to be who God has created her to be. Women in need of financial assistance have the opportunity to come and create jewelry and products which will be sold locally and internationally. The classes begin with a time of devotion, prayer, and encouragement. We desire to help women with resources for other career choices through other business skill-training and partnering with local businesses for internships and job openings. Est/Her meetings build a community of fellowship and provide women with self-confidence to create a sustainable future. Our goal is to build relationships with the women and help them find jobs, stability, and hope.

Women of Worth
A empowerment program for women to walk alongside other women, while sharing the struggles and joys of life and deepening their faith. Our goal is to help women see their own value and to bring churches together in unity. Our desire is to walk alongside women and help them to reawaken their God-given callings, to give them hope and a sense of purpose. Women Of Worth was started to create a deep and intimate community of encouragement and empowerment for both expat and local women in the community of San Pedro.
- Come join our WOW family! We plan to resume our gatherings in September 2020.

An empowerment program for men to learn about growing successfully in who they are and deepening their faith. The goal is for men to learn and study Scripture and receive encouragement and accountability to be a true man of God.

Preschool Ballet
The once stripper pole of the brothel is now the ballet bar (restoration to the core!) in the Shine Center where preschool ballet is taught weekly. The preschool next door to Hope Haven has implemented the dance program into their school year for all their 4 year olds. The first year we had 16 little girls. The following year our number jumped to 60 little ballerinas! Thanks to some amazing donors, we were able to provide leotards, shoes, and skirts to all the little girls. We welcome our new dance teacher, Hailey Powell.

Hope Haven
Hope Haven was a project that was an immense amount of work, but it has produced much fruit. Shine partnered with Raise Me Up, another Belize nonprofit to create a space for a SHINE Center and children’s home. Together we decided to create Hope Haven, a space of safety, shelter, counseling, education, and advocacy. Originally called The Blue Hole Bar, the space was being ran as a bar/brothel. The Lions Club was ending their lease and we presented our idea to their board for use of the space, who granted us a free lease. Hope Haven now hosts the first children’s home in San Pedro, a counseling center for the community, SHINE programs, a food bank, ballet, and community emergency services. Overall, Hope Haven has created a network of people in the community to find solutions and hope! To learn more or give to HH directly, click below.